Klinik Schloss Mammern كلينيك شلوس ماميرن

Klinik Schloss Mammern كلينيك شلوس ماميرن

Location icon Mammern, منطقة بحيرة كونستانس

كلينيك شلوس ماميرن | عيادة إعادة التأهيل السويسرية الخاصة على بحيرة كونستانس

مستشفى شلوس مامرن هي عيادة رائدة في الصناعة متخصصة في إعادة تأهيل الأورام والعضلات والعظام والقلب والأوعية الدموية والرئة. يقع المعهد على جانبي بحيرة كونستانس ، ويعمل على تقليد عمره قرن من الرعاية التأهيلية ذات المستوى العالمي. تساعد خدمات المرضى الداخليين من لوكس على ضمان بقاء عملية الشفاء مريحة قدر الإمكان.

الموقع الموقع

Klinik Schloss Mammern resides next to Lake Constance, a gorgeous waterbody on the Swiss-German border. Patients receive sweeping waterfront views and may undertake activities to bolster their well-being.

The luxurious inpatient facility has light-filled rooms with comfy hospital-style beds and accessible, barrier-free ensuite bathrooms. Refined gourmet gastronomy from skilled local chefs makes every meal a culinary treat.

The Zurich International Airport is 40 minutes away by taxi.

الملف الشخصي الملف الشخصي

Klinik Schloss Mammern is a world-renowned Swiss clinic run by the same esteemed family since 1889. Before its foundation, the historic building served the community as a hydrotherapy spa since 1621.

As a Swiss Leading Hospitals member, Klinik Schloss Mammern prides itself on providing personalised care. Patients enjoy top-notch support from the minute they enter the clinic. Veteran nursing staff understand what rehabilitation entails and offer personalised care in a warm and friendly manner.

Klinik Schloss Mammern has inpatient rehabilitation services for cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, oncological, and pulmonary issues. Specialist physicians, doctors, therapists and nurses draw on cutting-edge technology to offer world-class care.

Outpatient therapy includes nutritional counselling, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy. Skilled sports therapists afford ongoing monitoring and support.

Klinik Schloss Mammern has full-time specialists in rheumatology, internal medicine, physical medicine, cardiology, pneumology and nephrology.

Pre-vetted external specialists in numerous fields are only a phone call away. Examples include urology, psychiatry, oncology, endocrinology, dermatology, and radiology.

تخصص تخصص

The clinic specializes in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, oncological, and pulmonary rehabilitation.

Cardiovascular rehabilitation: The clinic offers inpatient cardiovascular rehabilitation to bolster stamina and confidence. Industry-leading interdisciplinary care benefits patients with multiple existing illnesses. The programme incorporates muscle development training to enhance strength and the patient’s quality of life. Physiotherapy entails controlled intensity increases and—where necessary—psychological support. Supplementary courses ensure the healing process continues long after the programme finishes.

Musculoskeletal rehabilitation: The clinic runs a musculoskeletal rehabilitation programme to restore mobility and alleviate pain. The programme targets age-related ailments caused by worn-out bones, soft tissue, joints, or the spine. Internal diseases like heart conditions and diabetes are also addressed. Patients with multiple or severe conditions typically enter the inpatient programme. A relatively mobile patient with an acute, degenerative or inflammatory disease may undertake physiotherapy in an outpatient programme instead.

Oncological rehabilitation: The clinic offers an oncological rehabilitation programme incorporating numerous interdisciplinary measures. The aim is to allow patients to regain independence after a cancer diagnosis and its associated treatment. Severe chemotherapy and radiotherapy reactions or inadequate at-home care typically entail inpatient rehabilitation. Customised programmes include general oncological, post-operative, and outpatient rehabilitation.

Pulmonary rehabilitation: The clinic provides pulmonary rehabilitation to combat acute or chronic lung diseases. Examples include pulmonary emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The programme helps patients improve physical fitness, regain independence, and—if appropriate—return to the workplace.

الخدمات الطبية

Key البحث عن عيادة طبية

نحن نوفر طريقة مجانية وسهلة لربطك شخصياً بأفضل الأطباء والعيادات الطبية.

Key الدعم الشخصي

تقدم فريقنا الدعم الشخصي، وترتيبات الفندق، والنقل لجعل إقامتك أكثر راحة ممكنة.

Key رعاية طبية سلسة

نحن نسد الفجوة بين الأطباء السويسريين وطبيبك في الوطن، مضمونين إقامة طبية سلسة في سويسرا.

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