Clinique Cecil, Lausanne

Clinique Cecil, Lausanne

Location icon Lausanne, Lake Geneva Area

Clinique Cecil, Lausanne

Discover more about the facilities at Clinique Cecil

Location Location

In the heart of Lausanne, the Olympic Capital, lies Hirslanden Clinique Cecil, a historical monument that combines tradition and modernity to create a charming environment for its guests. Geneva Airport is 40 min away (60 km).

Profile Profile

With state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to excellent hospitality, Clinique Cecil provides high-quality medical expertise in a range of specialties, including cardiology, radiology, cardiovascular surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, surgical gynaecology and obstetrics, urology, neurosurgery, and internal medicine. The hospital also features an intensive care unit accredited by the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine (SSMI), a 24/7 emergency department, and a dialysis center. Our goal is to make our guests feel at home by blending modern and traditional elements in our services. Specific services for international patients Special menus/meals (vegan, kosher) Concierge service Shuttle service Public restaurants Public hotel

Facts Facts

The clinic has 86 beds and it carries 4'500 inpatients and 53'000 outpatients per year.

Specialization Specialization

Clinique Cecil in Lausanne is a top-tier hospital that offers a wide range of medical specializations to its patients. The hospital specializes in both cosmetic and medical procedures, including weight loss surgeries like gastric banding and bypass, cosmetic surgeries like eyelid lifts, nasal reshaping, and liposculpture, and treatments for skin conditions like acne, wrinkles, and scars. Clinique Cecil also provides specialized treatments for cancer, including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgical procedures for various types of cancer such as colon, breast, esophageal, pancreatic, and gastric cancer. The hospital also offers hormonal and chemo therapy for breast cancer at all stages. In addition to the above, the hospital provides diagnosis and treatment for various diseases like diabetes, thyroid problems, coronary heart disease, and neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and multiple sclerosis. Clinique Cecil also offers treatments for kidney and liver diseases, as well as urinary incontinence and bladder dysfunction. Clinique Cecil is also known for its cosmetic surgeries, including breast augmentation, breast lift, breast reduction, buttock lift, and genital surgery for both men and women. The hospital also offers liposuction, stretch mark removal, thigh lift, tummy tuck, and cellulite treatment. The hospital also provides treatments for common conditions like anal abscesses, anal fissures, and anal fistulas, as well as prostate-related issues like prostate removal and radical prostatectomy. Clinique Cecil is equipped with advanced technology to perform high-quality procedures like ICD implantation, pacemaker implantation, and coronary stenting. Lastly, the hospital offers preventive care services like blood screening, cancer screening, cardiac screening, diabetes check-ups, full-body check-ups, and vascular screening. This helps patients to detect diseases early and get the necessary treatment on time. Overall, Clinique Cecil is a top-of-the-line hospital that provides a wide range of specialized medical treatments and cosmetic surgeries to its patients. The hospital is renowned for its advanced technology, highly skilled medical staff, and excellent patient care services.

Medical Services

Key Medical Clinic Search

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Key Personal Support

Our team offers personal support, hotel arrangements, and transfers to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

Key Seamless Medical Care

We bridge the gap between the Swiss doctors and your doctor at home, ensuring a smooth medical stay in Switzerland.

Medical check-up
Preventive check-up
vascular screening • cancer screening • cardiac screening • full-body check-up • blood screening • diabetes check-up
Aesthetic surgery
Facial treatments
wrinkles removal • wrinkles treatment with botox or laser • lipofilling • liposculpture • scar removal • eyelid lift • nasal reshaping • acne treatment
Breast surgery
breast augmentation • breast reduction • breast lift • breast reconstruction
Body treatments
liposuction • tummy tuck • buttock lift • cellulite treatment • thigh lift • stretch mark removal • excessive sweating / hyperhidrosis • genital surgery women / men
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